
Monday, July 20, 2009

Potty time

We got Wade a little potty and we've been trying it out with him - so far, he's doing great! He's already gone in the potty a lot and even though it's luck catching him at the right time to do business, he's definitely getting used to sitting on his potty. He's growing up so fast!!

Swimming with Dad

We swam at Grandma and Grandpa's pool on Saturday - Wade loves the water and has no fear!


Monday, July 13, 2009

Do you like my hairdo?

Faux-hawk by Dad :)

Boating Baby

We went on a boat trip with Aunt Joanie and Uncle Remy on Friday evening. It was a perfect night for it and we had a wonderful time! This life jacket again, Wade asked?! He had a great time exploring the cabin and helping Uncle Remy steer. When we got back to the marina, there were lots of ducks around the boat, so we fed them some bread - Wade was fascinated!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Beamer sleeps

Beamer sleeping with Daisy's paw cradling his head - turned out pretty cool!

2 Teeth

Wade has 2 teeth now! They started cutting through on his 7 month birthday and now they are really in! Do you see my teeth??

Friday, July 10, 2009

New Friend

Wade got this big soft bear this morning from Judi next door - what a great new friend to climb on and love!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


And the clean-up crew....

Thankful Thursday

I'm going to try and do this every Thursday - list a few things that I'm especially thankful for during the week, or just during the day!

  1. Our home - I love our neighborhood, our neighbors, and our house. We have some big plans for some improvements, especially the bathrooms, so I can't wait! But improvements or not, we are very lucky!!
  2. A great run this morning - I wasn't too tired after all (even after waking up with Wade a few times) and got in a really nice run with the dogs while Craig watched Wade.
  3. My good dogs. They are sometimes a handful, but always goofy and loyal and fun.
  4. And of course, my 2 favorite boys - Craig and Wade. :) I love watching them together, and it's so awesome seeing Wade light up with he sees his Daddy!


Wade tags along with me to the park to play ball with Daisy & Beamer. It won't be long before he's throwing the ball for them! He loves his dogs and they sure can make him laugh!!

It's so funny - when we walk, Wade likes to prop a foot up on his stroller tray and really kick back and relax :) He just loves being outside - we walk just about every day and Aunt Meg takes him to the swings at the park, too!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Wade's First Boat Ride

Wade went on his first boat ride with friend Brody Jackson (thanks, Amy and Tim!) last week. It was a beautiful night and we had a great time! Wade wasn't so sure he liked having to wear his life jacket, but got used to it pretty quickly :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Photography Fun

I've been having fun using Craig's nice 35mm camera to take pictures of Wade. I'm learning as I go about how to use the camera and I love going to pick up the pictures when I have them developed to see how they turned out. I just had a roll of black and white developed and this is my favorite! I love my sweet baby boy!!!

Biker Baby!

Craig and a couple of friends went on a motorcycle trip last weekend to the Outer Banks. They had a great time!! Sunday morning, they came to visit Wade and me - we had rolling thunder coming down our street, let me tell you. I'll never forget the sight of the three of them coming on their Harleys, with Craig leading the way for the biker gang! Wade loved the motorcycle and all the shiny chrome :)

Hey Dad, can I have one of these things????

Look what I can do!!

I see you!!

Wade is standing! He pulled up in his crib last week and hasn't looked back since. He's pulling up on everything he can find now - coffee tables, chairs, pack & play, changing table, dog a pinch, our arms or shirts will do. He's all about standing up like a big kid!!

Mama, can we let Daisy out???