
Thursday, December 30, 2010

We're back!

Well, we never really went anywhere, just got busy with Drew's arrival and the holidays.  BUT, we are back online now and I'll be updating lots more frequently in 2011 hopefully!!

So, to catch up with us...

Andrew James was born September 21, 8 days early.  He was 7lbs, 8oz and 19 1/2 inches long, born just before 10am.  He was easy from the get go and is our little happy sunshine.  He is always smiling and has started laughing.  It's the cutest!  Wade is a great big brother and loves Drew.  I think as Drew grows more and is more interactive, he and Wade will have such a great time together.  Wade already likes to give him his paci and make him smile, although he will tell me when it's time to put "Drew down" so that I can play with him instead!

My sweet boys!
Wade turned 2 on November 14th and we had a really fun party for him complete with all his playgroup friends and a monkey bounce house in the back yard!  Check him out wanting to eat his pizza like a big boy with his pal Owen...

Jumping with Daddy! 

Helping himself to the fridge

Our little cowboy on Halloween in the neighborhood parade

First smile on camera!!

Helping Dad in the yard
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving - I cooked a meal for us here this year and we enjoyed having our dinner at home! My first turkey turned out well and Wade even ate with us and did great with trying a little of most everything ;)

Chillin with Santa
Not so happy about Santa
Christmas was SO much fun this year.  Wade loves presents and wanted to open all of them, Daddy's included.  Wade got a lot of really great toys this year - a play kitchen from Mema and Pop Pop and a cozy coupe car from Mimi and Granddad ("Din Din").  Aunt Meg gave him a special lunch with Elmo that we're looking forward to in January and his aunties and uncle gave him such great toys to play with and some super cute new clothes.  Drew was also spoiled this year with lots of cute clothes and fun toys.  He surprised us by rolling over for the first time (from front to back) on Christmas morning and has since started getting really good at it.  How fast all of this is happening!  I truly can't believe how fast they are growing up (sniff)!

Looking forward to a happy, healthy, FUN 2011!!  Happy New Year :)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Daisy Update

I realized I hadn't updated about Daisy - she got her staples out last Thursday and since then has been doing GREAT.  As soon as they came out and I got her home, she was racing around like a puppy again, so happy to be whole again I think.  Her scar is healing nicely and her fur is growing back from where they shaved it for the surgery and I don't think you'll even see the scar when it's all grown in again.  Hooray!!  Fingers crossed we don't get any more of those least for a while, and none as big as that ever again!! 


So proud of our little guy tonight - before bathtime, he REALLY wanted to sit on his potty.  Well, I encouraged him to sit back down after doing a tiny little bit of pee in the potty, and he went again, and then...he pooped!!  I had tried to put him in the tub and he was having nothing to do with that - I think he really wanted to go potty like a big boy and get to flush.  We were so excited, and he got treasured M&Ms (or, as he calls them MMs) since they are his new favorite thing. 

These are the things we get excited about on a Monday night :)

Monday, August 23, 2010


Sweet Daisy had surgery last Monday to remove the huge tumor she had on her shoulder (biopsy came back negative, thank goodness!).  She's been doing really well, but we've been babying her a lot while she heals.  She's been wearing a t-shirt constantly for the past week to keep things a little neater (I won't gross you out with the details of that!) around the house and should have her staples removed Thursday this week, finally.  I'll get a picture if I can of her frankenstein scar!  Her battle wound, she's such a tough dog :)

33 week belly

First belly pictures we have taken this time around, believe it or not!!  Here I am at 33 1/2 weeks when we went to Kingsmill last weekend for some R&R.  It was such a nice trip!!  We missed our sweet Wade, but had a SUCH wonderful time  :)

I am definitely bigger now (at almost 35 weeks), so I'll have to get some more pictures to show the progression...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Waiting for dinner...

No, we don't really feed Wade alongside the dogs!  But when he's not helping scoop the food into their bowls, he likes to wait with them till I bring their dinner.  He is very helpful and tells them to sit and stay and then demonstrates for them :)

Four eyes

Monday, August 9, 2010

Counting and ABCs

Wade can officially count to 10!  It is a new favorite thing to do.  He also likes to sing the alphabet song and is getting more of the letters down every day it seems.  I have taught him a little song that I sing him when I go get him in the mornings, too, and he's started singing that to me if I ask him to while I get him changed.  I can't believe how fast he is growing up and learning!  We are starting to look at options for schools now - he can start at 2 1/2 at preschool, which will be here before we know it, especially with the new little one arriving in less than 2 months now!  We think he will do great in school since he is just so smart :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Bless You

My little boy is so sweet.  I sneezed the other day and he said "Bless you, Mama!"  I about melted right there on the spot!!  Now whenever he sneezes or coughs (sometimes on purpose!), he says "Bless you, Wade."  It's the cutest thing ever. 

Another funny, cute, slightly gross thing he's started doing - sticking a finger up his nose and saying "ewwwww!"  Hysterical :)  I know I probably shouldn't encourage that, but it's too funny not to laugh sometimes :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thankful Thursday

That time again!

NEW AIR CONDITIONER!  I am so happy that we got our A/C replaced.  It is hot, hot, hot this week, so it's been just in time that we have our central air back up and running.  It's an (ahem) investment to be sure, but totally worth it for this pregnant mama :)

VACATION!  We are going away as a family next weekend for a 4-day long weekend!  We're going to Emerald Isle to hang out with some friends and then to Cary to see Michael and Ashleigh and are so excited!!  The dogs are all booked for "spa" time and we're getting away :)

Vegetables!  We are starting to get some good veggies from our garden.  Craig put down some organic fertilizer last month and it really helped everything grow like crazy.  We have lots of tomatoes that will be ready soon, cucumbers, lettuce...peppers on the way, and hopefully our squash and zucchini will be ready soon, too. 

Friday Eve :)  Super glad tomorrow is Friday and looking forward to a fun weekend with my guys and dogs!

Overall, life is pretty good for this girl!   :)  Have a good day!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Busy summer so far!

We have been BUSY!  Wade finished up his swimming lessons this past Friday and is a little fish.  He loves to swim to the steps and even started flipping over to float on his back all on his own (still not his favorite thing in the world, though).  We're looking forward to a summer of playing in the pool and practicing our swimming!!  I will be happy to be in the water as much as possible, too :)

We have had a lot of birthday parties as well the past several weeks.  Wade is having a great time with his friends at the parties and at his playgroup.  He is a sweet boy and shares so well with others, it makes me so proud. 

Our new nanny started on Friday and Wade really likes her so far.  We are very happy to be getting back on a regular schedule, that's for sure! 

I haven't been taking as many pictures recently, but will get some updates posted soon! 

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Wade asked to go potty the other night!  He's definitely aware of the potty in the bathroom and I think he understands what it's for already.  On Thursday night, he brought Craig to the bathroom door, asked him to open it and then went in and said "potty."  We took his diaper off and he sat down and went potty!  So proud of my little guy - we're going to keep letting him take the lead for now, but I think we can start trying this summer - earlier than I'd even thought, but we'll take Wade's cues!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

We love milkshakes in our house!


Daisy has figured out that she blends into the new couch - if she curls up really small, especially in one of the corners, sometimes we don't see her right away!!

And...because I couldn't resist posting this picture of Daisy after she ate some cottage cheese - note the lips tucked into the teeth :)

Water baby :)

Wade loves to play at his water table!!  This kid loves to be outside and loves the water!  He's taking infant survival swim classes right now, too - he's learning so much and doing great, even if he screams the whole time!  Today he calmed down a little bit again, though, and was clapping for himself after every float on his back and swim to the wall.  It was super cute!  He's started practicing his swimming in the bathtub, too.  Tonight he showed me his float and yes, clapped after each one he did :)

Wedding Weekend in West Palm!

We went to Lauren's wedding in West Palm Beach, Florida this month and it was absolutely beautiful!  Wade was a trooper with all the traveling, but I must admit, it's a challenge to travel with an 18 month old :)  He wanted to be everywhere looking at everything, so the plane was just soooo confining for him!  We tried some benadryl on the way home and he just passed out - after a really good fight.  But, ahhh, I'll take the snuggles whenever I can get them from my sweet little guy! 

Here are some pictures from the wedding weekend!

At the rehearsal dinner overlooking a golf course:

 I love this one of Craig and Wade!

 The wedding site at the Breakers:

With 2nd cousin Julia - dancing!!

Race car in the Charlotte Airport!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Vegetable Garden!!

We've gotten our vegetable garden planted!  I am very happy with it and can't wait to start harvesting :)  Pictures to come, but so far, we have tomatoes (cherry and better boy), zucchini, cucumbers, bell peppers, lettuce, basil, rosemary (transplant that I grew from seeds in Arlington!!), parsley, cilantro, and for Wade - a blueberry plant! are some early pictures - our tomatoes are taking off and we'll have a bunch soon!  Can't wait for our first "harvest" - I'm already loving our organic garden!!

No more bottles...

Wish us luck - we are attempting to take the bottle away!  Wade has been a little under the weather and the nurse recommended no milk till he was better.  So we decided to seize the opportunity and took his bottles away over the weekend.  He has only been drinking milk out of bottles and refuses milk out of cups. 

It's going...okay.  Wade isn't drinking any milk and I'm worried about that, but with all the bottles out of sight and packed away, we are hoping that he will start to forget about them.  He was only have 2 a day - before his nap and before bedtime.  I hope he will get back to drinking his milk!!  I am trying every sippy cup I can find for him!!!

Keep your fingers crossed for us!  I am willing myself to stay strong and not give in since I hate to see him so upset when I know what will make him feel all better.  :(

Friday, April 30, 2010

Animals and Other Word Fun

So I thought it would be fun to list out the animals and their sounds that Wade knows :) 

Bird - "tee tee" (he also does his version of baby sign for bird)
Doggie - "woof woof" or "boof boof"
Cow - "mooo or booo"
Kitty - "meow meow meow"
Horsey - "eaahhhh"
Duck - "duck duck"
Owl - "hoo hooo" (his newest one!)
Dinosaur - "errr"
Lion - also "err"
Tiger - "errrr" yet again! he has the growl down!
Bear - "raaar"


Other words he knows:
Train - "toot toot"
Car - "beep beep" (this also goes for his trike)
Of course, Mama, Dada, Mommy, and Wade
Meema and Pop Pop (papa)
Jay Jay (aunt Jamie)
Meg (sometimes Meh, for Aunt Meg)
All done
Down (said when he wants down from the high chair and also to tell the dogs to lay down!)
No no (accompanied sometimes by a shaking finger!!) No is a FAVORITE word these days
Bath ("baaa")
Night night
Bottle ("baaa'l" - any water bottle or cup)
Wow (he also says "ooooo!!!")
Plane and jet
Park (pahhh)
Draw - interchangable with "e-f-g" when he wants to write or color or just even sees pen and paper
Juice (joooo)
Shoes (shoooo)
Banana (nana)
Berries (berrrri)
Macaroni (roni)
Avacado (cado)
Cheese (chee - this goes for cottage cheese mostly)
Apple (bapple)
**gee, can you tell what are his favorite foods??
Blue (boo)
Daisy (deedee or daidee) and Beamer (Booo)
Trash (and he likes to clean up the park, taking paper he finds and putting it in the trash can)
Boom (usually this is what trash "says")
Mail (goes for mail, fed ex, ups and some delivery trucks!!)

I will keep adding to this list as I remember more - he's getting quite the vocabulary!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thankful Thursday

1. Wade got into swimming lessons! He'll be starting Monday evening at the infant survival classes. We're looking forward to a great summer of swimming :)

2. A beautiful day today and a great weekend ahead - the weather's supposed to be warm and sunny and we have 2 birthday parties to go to with Wade and Craig and I have plans to go to a Tides game with some friends.

3. Getting the house decorated with some new pictures, mirror, and art after finally getting some new dining and living room furniture. We had fun picking out some new pictures for the walls and love our new look. Love the nice big sectional sofa where we can both stretch out at the same time!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I just love this picture!

Is our dog spoiled?

New furniture!!

We got some new furniture for our living room and dining room - we love it!! Wade helped with the moving, of course...

Here's the new furniture...we're working on hanging some new pictures and gathering a few more pieces to complete the rooms.

Catching up...again!!

This has been a fast spring so far! I completely missed writing in March altogether! We have been busy with work and fun :) Craig ran the Shamrock marathon last month and I did the 8K the day before. It was wonderful weather and we all had a wonderful time down at the beach watching the runners! Beamer got to come along, too, and was quite popular with all the people! Wade joined a new playgroup with a lot of great kids this spring and is having a great time with his new friends!!

Here's an update in pictures since our last post. It is my goal to be better about updating the blog and staying more up to date!!

Wade LOVES the park and especially the slide - he was clapping when they got to the bottom! Sometimes he goes down by himself, but sometimes he's still not so sure about that.

Eating breakfast at his big boy table:

A favorite new activity is climbing into the toy box - and then climbing out - and doing it all over again.

St. Patrick's Day dinner out at Kelly's. Wade loves the french fries just like mommy :)

Storytime with Dad :)

Easter egg hunt with Wade's new playgroup:

Easter - getting good at this egg hunting thing. AND loving the treats inside, too!! :)

My baby is getting to be such a big boy! Sometimes I look at him and can't believe it - he's a little boy already. But always sweet and such a loving guy. He gives hugs and kisses all the time, I can't get enough of it :)