
Friday, April 30, 2010

Animals and Other Word Fun

So I thought it would be fun to list out the animals and their sounds that Wade knows :) 

Bird - "tee tee" (he also does his version of baby sign for bird)
Doggie - "woof woof" or "boof boof"
Cow - "mooo or booo"
Kitty - "meow meow meow"
Horsey - "eaahhhh"
Duck - "duck duck"
Owl - "hoo hooo" (his newest one!)
Dinosaur - "errr"
Lion - also "err"
Tiger - "errrr" yet again! he has the growl down!
Bear - "raaar"


Other words he knows:
Train - "toot toot"
Car - "beep beep" (this also goes for his trike)
Of course, Mama, Dada, Mommy, and Wade
Meema and Pop Pop (papa)
Jay Jay (aunt Jamie)
Meg (sometimes Meh, for Aunt Meg)
All done
Down (said when he wants down from the high chair and also to tell the dogs to lay down!)
No no (accompanied sometimes by a shaking finger!!) No is a FAVORITE word these days
Bath ("baaa")
Night night
Bottle ("baaa'l" - any water bottle or cup)
Wow (he also says "ooooo!!!")
Plane and jet
Park (pahhh)
Draw - interchangable with "e-f-g" when he wants to write or color or just even sees pen and paper
Juice (joooo)
Shoes (shoooo)
Banana (nana)
Berries (berrrri)
Macaroni (roni)
Avacado (cado)
Cheese (chee - this goes for cottage cheese mostly)
Apple (bapple)
**gee, can you tell what are his favorite foods??
Blue (boo)
Daisy (deedee or daidee) and Beamer (Booo)
Trash (and he likes to clean up the park, taking paper he finds and putting it in the trash can)
Boom (usually this is what trash "says")
Mail (goes for mail, fed ex, ups and some delivery trucks!!)

I will keep adding to this list as I remember more - he's getting quite the vocabulary!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thankful Thursday

1. Wade got into swimming lessons! He'll be starting Monday evening at the infant survival classes. We're looking forward to a great summer of swimming :)

2. A beautiful day today and a great weekend ahead - the weather's supposed to be warm and sunny and we have 2 birthday parties to go to with Wade and Craig and I have plans to go to a Tides game with some friends.

3. Getting the house decorated with some new pictures, mirror, and art after finally getting some new dining and living room furniture. We had fun picking out some new pictures for the walls and love our new look. Love the nice big sectional sofa where we can both stretch out at the same time!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I just love this picture!

Is our dog spoiled?

New furniture!!

We got some new furniture for our living room and dining room - we love it!! Wade helped with the moving, of course...

Here's the new furniture...we're working on hanging some new pictures and gathering a few more pieces to complete the rooms.

Catching up...again!!

This has been a fast spring so far! I completely missed writing in March altogether! We have been busy with work and fun :) Craig ran the Shamrock marathon last month and I did the 8K the day before. It was wonderful weather and we all had a wonderful time down at the beach watching the runners! Beamer got to come along, too, and was quite popular with all the people! Wade joined a new playgroup with a lot of great kids this spring and is having a great time with his new friends!!

Here's an update in pictures since our last post. It is my goal to be better about updating the blog and staying more up to date!!

Wade LOVES the park and especially the slide - he was clapping when they got to the bottom! Sometimes he goes down by himself, but sometimes he's still not so sure about that.

Eating breakfast at his big boy table:

A favorite new activity is climbing into the toy box - and then climbing out - and doing it all over again.

St. Patrick's Day dinner out at Kelly's. Wade loves the french fries just like mommy :)

Storytime with Dad :)

Easter egg hunt with Wade's new playgroup:

Easter - getting good at this egg hunting thing. AND loving the treats inside, too!! :)

My baby is getting to be such a big boy! Sometimes I look at him and can't believe it - he's a little boy already. But always sweet and such a loving guy. He gives hugs and kisses all the time, I can't get enough of it :)