
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Need your patience...

things are a little crazy right now...i will be back to blogging more hopefully very soon!  

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Change in plans

I debated about writing this post for a while...which is why I've been a little MIA.  I felt like if I wrote it and hit publish, it was a final decision and I wasn't sure I was okay with that yet.  But here goes, final answer:

So, things change.  I'm trying to roll with it...
After some very challenging training runs, I have decided to listen to my body and bow out of my half and full marathons this fall.  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't super bummed out about this, but at the same time, I know there will be other races and I will just give myself the rest I need now and then get back into my training when my body can cooperate with me!  Head/heart and body were on 2 different pages when it came to running this summer.  Mentally I was completely there, ready to train for and run my first marathon (with a half along the way), even if I was a little anxious.  I think it would be weird if I wasn't a little anxious about running 26.2 miles, right?!?   
Anyway, I pushed through some of the worst summer heat and humidity for some grueling and slower runs, and thought I was coming into the home stretch when my dead legs and cramping stomach let me know in no uncertain terms that this running thing was NOT happening for us right now.  Dealing with some shin splints and a little pain was one thing, but this message was loud and I (eventually) listened.  Even though I tried to ignore it for a little while and pretend each time I went out for a run that things would be different *this time.*  

I'm still going to go to the expo and pick up my shirt and goodie bag, though :-)  I'll be back, you can count on that!  In the meantime, we'll have more time for family fun this fall!!  (yaaay fall...!)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Picture catch-up

just a few pics from the past few weeks...

"pretty flower mommy"
Hey!  I'm getting teeth, lots of 'em!! :)
mr. serious. My artsy picture!
I see you!

dinner helper


...and stay tuned.  I finally figured out my problem in uploading pictures to my new computer.  It was the cord.  So, I used a different one and voila!! - works like a dream :)  Why didn't I try this sooner??  Pictures to come of recent home-life adventures, probably later tonight.

In the meantime, an update on my training since I know you're just dying to know!  C and I did 10 miles on trails Saturday and it. was. rough.  On me at least.  It started after my 5 miler a week ago, and I just was struggling, so I took an extra rest day ahead of the 10 miler.  I still had trouble Saturday, rested 2 more days, and had a tough run yesterday (3 miles).  I was feeling defeated.  BUT, I did some reading of inspirational stories and set out today with the mentality that I'd take it easy, be mindful to keep my pace slower (wore the Garmin), and see how it goes.  

MUCH better experience all around today.  So glad my body and mind are in sync again today and hope they stay that way at least through race time!!  I can't tell you what a relief it was to complete my 3 miles, having run it all, albeit slower than my normal pace.  It was such the mental boost I needed to regain my confidence. And running really is so mental, isn't it? 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why Run?

In the midst of a very busy week last week, I managed to fit in over 17 miles.  WOW!  If you had told me 2 years ago that I would run that far in a month, much less a week, I'd have thought you were smokin' something funny.  So, since I had some time to reflect Sunday morning at dawn when I was out running my 8.5 miler, I started thinking about all the reasons I have come to love running.  Here are a few...

  1. It keeps me in shape (duh)
  2. I have great running buddies (and motivators) in my dogs
  3. I love being able to get outside (yeah, even when it's hot and humid) for fresh air
  4. It keeps me sane...that is a half hour or hour (or two coming up!) that I can just be with myself.  Sometimes I think about life, sometimes I think about what I will post on the blog next, and sometimes I don't think about a damn thing!  
  5. I like the challenge it gives me physically to compete with myself - to see if I can run faster or farther than last time
  6. Fit mom = strong mom = happy mom.  I like being active with my kids and being fit and strong allows me to be without even thinking about it.
  7. I love the feeling on a long run when I have about 2 miles left and I know I'm going to make it to the finish.  Sounds obvious, but I get a little surge of pride about that time that pushes me to finish strong. 
I have NOT figured out (or had time to mess with it) how to get my new computer to recognize my camera.  We had a busy weekend at a soccer tournament and birthday celebration here so I didn't have any time to work on that over the weekend.  I hope to later this week so I can post up some new pics SOON. Thanks for hanging in there till I figure it all out!!

What's the best thing you get out of your exercise of choice?  What keeps you coming back again and again?

Do you think exercising is addictive?  Do you ever feel like something's missing from your day/week when you can't fit a workout in, or don't get to do as many?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Pictures, schmictures...

Seriously, I finally got a new computer and I cannot figure out how to get it to recognize my camera to transfer pictures.  Really??  I mean, this should not be so difficult!

Anyway, I was trying to show you what I did yesterday on my run...but since I can't get the picture onto the new fangled computer machine, I will paint a picture with words for you :)  Wednesday is trash day here.  I was running down the main road where people put their cans on the little grassy median between sidewalk and road.  Invariably the trash truck leaves many of the cans tipped over and blocking the entire sidewalk.  Well, I approached one such tipped can and decided to go around to the left side (street side).  Daisy and Beamer were HUGGING my left side due to the road noise next to them and even though I thought I was clear, I just nailed the wheel of the trashcan with my right quad.  I let out a dramatic "Ouch!" but kept going.  I came home and looked down to find a softball-sized welt, half dirt, half bruise.  I'll get a picture of the battle scar up soon, once I can figure out my technology.

You can just call me Grace :)

Out of shape? Or...

Today: 4 miles / 38:17 / 9:34 pace
Wednesday: 3 miles / 9:15 pace
Monday: 7.15 miles / 10:45 pace

I'm going to try and put my runs at the top of my first (or only?) post of the day again...that catches me up for the week so far!

So lately I have been really trying hard not to be down on myself about my S-L-O-W pace on my runs.  I know I can run faster than a 9:15-9:30 mile!!  I was pondering the reason I've been slow on my runs this morning (out of the house before 6am! I FINALLY did it!) and I figure it's either I'm not fueling properly (likely), out of shape (less likely, given my increasing miles over the past few months), or it's just waaaayyyy too hot/humid outside these days (well, we know that's the case with 80% humidity and 80* at 5:30am).  Even though I know it's pretty unlikely I'm losing my fitness, and I know in my head that I need to take it slower in this "heat dome" as they call it on the news, I'm not gonna lie, it still kinda bums me out that I'm not able to run at the pace I would like to. My legs will just only go so fast, no matter how much I tell them how svelte and strong they are...

So, that all said (whined?), I am committing to paying more attention to how I fuel both before and after my runs for the next several months while I keep trotting towards my marathon in November. I made myself a nice protein smoothie after my run this morning with soy milk, protein powder, half a frozen banana and a tablespoon of peanut butter.  Yummy!  I drank almost all of it before Beamer started helping himself.  Seriously, nothing is out of this dog's reach.  Nothing. Even when you think your food is safely out of reach, it's just not.  Ever.

Does anyone have any good fueling tips for me??  

Do you find it difficult to adjust your training for the weather?  Does it affect you mentally at all?