Thursday, September 13, 2012
Thankful Thursday
While this pregnancy hasn't always been as easy on me as the other 2, I am so blessed and thankful for this healthy little boy and that he is growing so well and yes, kicking me all the time. We definitely have active little guys!!
I've found it's been easy to feel overwhelmed some days - thinking about having 3 young boys can be scary (and exciting!) when we don't have a good day of listening, or when I'm feeling particularly worn out. But I truly do have the sweetest, most loving sons a girl could ever want and so I'm just taking whatever time I can get to sit and play with them, read books or do puzzles together, or even just watch a favorite movie snuggling up on the couch. :)
After a particularly hard day yesterday, I was wrung out and sweet W went in the cabinet, got my favorite cup, filled it with ice water, and brought it to me. It was such a sweet, simple gesture, but it was just what I needed and makes me smile just thinking of it again.
I'm thankful for the cooler weather we're having in our area - it's lovely and I can even open the windows at night and in the mornings now!
What are you thankful for today?
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Cutest Boy
We hope to have some family pics taken in the next couple of months...looking forward to it for so many reasons :)
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
When I tell Drew "I love you" he says "Too." It's completely adorable. He is such a cuddle bug, and I just soak it all up!
Wade is also a little snuggler and wants to hold my hand all the time these days. He's been staying up later (even when we try to get him to bed on time!) and came out the other night when we were watching a movie (no idea what, something we came across) that had a scary scene and we changed it quickly, but he said he wanted to watch the scary movie. We told him we didn't want him to have a nightmare, and he replied "I want nightmares. I LOVE nightmares." Over and over as if he didn't think we really believed him.
Drew has started pretending to sneeze. Throughout this pregnancy, I have had a lot of problems with a stuffy nose that just won't go away and sneeze a LOT. We're talking 20 times in a row. Needless to say, he hears me sneeze all the time. First he started saying "'scuse" whenever someone would sneeze, then he just started this week pretending to sneeze. He and Wade go back and forth pretending to sneeze.
W has a new balance bike that he just loves. He tears around on it and loves to go on bike rides all around the neighborhood. We play red light, green light. He calls the shots and tells me when it's red and green. He's also been loving summer camp and especially this session since he is learning all kinds of new songs. This kid LOVES to sing and even sings all the lullabies with me when we're saying goodnight.
Finally, there's nothing sweeter than seeing my 2 boys hug each other. If Drew gets corrected for hitting or hurting Wade, his way of saying he's sorry is by giving a big kiss (sounds like MMMMMMMMMwahhhhh) and Wade is sweet about sharing with him.
So grateful for my 2 sweet, energetic, loving little boys!!!
Monday, June 25, 2012
I can explain...
Friday, March 9, 2012
You Are Beautiful
- Wow, what a fun message, and I bet that helped to brighten at least a few people's days today!
- Man, if that was my fence, I'd be sooo mad!!
What do you think?
Thursday, March 8, 2012
A Wog
Anyway, it's a gorgeous day today and we've been outside all morning enjoying it so far. Playtime outside makes for a happy family (dogs included) and I am opening all the windows again to enjoy it to the fullest while I get to work. I can hear the boys over at the park with their nanny and it's too cute. It's supposed to get cooler tomorrow so I'm loving the weather while it lasts!!
Have a great day!!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Well, I decided that even though I'm late to the decision and have already cheated today...I'm going to give up chocolate. That's right. This one will truly be a sacrifice, people. I think I have chocolate in some form almost every day, and even put chocolate chips in my banana bread and zucchini bread. (we can't let ourselves get too healthy, can we?!)
We are continuing our no-meat diet here at home, too. It's going well. I'm learning more and more each week and am starting to find out what works for us and when it's just too much soy or beans too many days in a row, so finding a larger variety of protein sources is key! The boys are doing great with it, and honestly, I don't even miss the beef or poultry.
I do miss Chick-Fil-A sometimes, though...oh my goodness, that is some good stuff.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
A Little is better than None...
I will admit this is largely driven by vanity at the moment...I mean, who wants a muffin top? But it's also about having an outlet for working out the stress and challenges of the day.
I headed out today for the first time a week for a jog (I do not kid myself these days that I truly run...) after battling a bad cold/sinus thing because I needed it. The dogs needed it, too. We are all better for it. It was tough for me, even though I only did 3 miles today. But then I need to give myself some credit I suppose - some is better than none, and 3 years ago, I couldn't even run 1 mile without stopping.
There are days where I need more than 3 miles/30 minutes...but if the day (and my body) only allows me those 30 minutes, I'll take 'em. I'm going to keep trying like crazy to get on a good schedule so I am sure to get in my "me" time on the road.
How do you get in your exercise or personal time? What helps you unwind most after a stressful day?
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Perfect Mom?
I saw this today and it is oh-so-true! W went to school one day wearing 2 different shoes, and I didn’t even notice till we got there…and just this morning, he asked for ice cream for breakfast (I was able to fend that request off till at least after lunch, phew!)
Anyway, thank you for this, Carrie! You can see the article here and her Facebook page here.
Top Ten Ways I Was a Perfect Mom Until I Had Kids
1. I will not bribe my kids. They will behave because they have such great internal moral compasses, and complying will be what they want to do.
Reality: I will let you eat Hershey kisses for breakfast if you stay in your bed tonight. I will take you anywhere you want to go if you will just stay in your bed tonight.
2. I will maintain appropriate boundaries in the bathroom.
Reality: Most days, I use the bathroom with three little faces watching my every move. The upside? There is always someone nearby to run and get a new roll of toilet paper when I’m stranded.
3. My kids will leave the house with their hair combed neatly and wearing clothes that match.
Reality: We hit a low last summer when Annie Rose insisted on wearing one snow boot and one flip flop to Target, happily limping her way through the aisles. An astonishing number of old ladies asked if I was aware that her shoes didn’t match. Yes, thank you for your concern, I replied.
4. I will control my potty mouth in front of the kids.
Reality: Oh, shit the fire alarm is going off again. Damn it, the dinner is burning. Shit! Shit! Shit! My girls reply, at least it’s better than Christmas Eve, when Daddy caught on fire.
5. I will spend time taking care of myself even after I have kids.
Reality: A shower every three or four days, if I’m lucky. A brown Crayola marker is a lot faster and cheaper than getting my roots colored (but try to explain to a 4-yr-old why Mommy is allowed to scribble with markers in her hair). And my health club might as well apply for 501c3 status, since I give them a monthly donation.
6. I will model healthy conflict resolution skills, and I will be gracious when I am right.
Reality: I have been known to chant “I was right! You were wrong!” to my husband, as I sing and march around the kitchen, doing a victory dance.
7. I will share, and thus my kids will be good sharers, too.
Reality: Get out of my makeup, girls! It's mine! Get out of my toiletries!
8. My kids will only eat wholesome, balanced meals with one reasonable dessert after dinner.
Reality: Fine, you may have a bowl of ice cream for “breakfast dessert.” It’s got calcium, right? And all the good milk fat that your growing brain needs! Here, have a second helping.
9. We will be on time for school, appointments, classes and playdates.
Reality: How is it that everyone is up three hours before school starts and we are the last ones to arrive?
10. My kids will see me as an empowered woman and a role model of how women can achieve success outside of the house.
Reality: If I got hit by a bus tomorrow, my tombstone would say, “Here lies Carrie. Now who will do the laundry?”
Living Green and Being Healthier
After cleaning up a lot of pee yesterday, and then doing a load of cloth diapers, I got to thinking about how the cleaning routines have changed in our house since we moved in. It used to be all chemical-based, since that’s what was cheap and that’s what I knew. Then, we got 2 dogs and had 2 babies…
While I wouldn’t call myself totally green, I do make an effort every day to recycle and look out for the planet we’ll be leaving to our children. It’s part of why I decided to cloth diaper baby #2 (and use cloth wipes! Which is actually soooo much easier than disposable wipes, at least at home). Basically, once I had a little baby to think about, and especially when he started laying and crawling on the floor, I was very aware of what I put on the floor to clean up after the big messy dogs. And then when Daisy started with her spay-related incontinence (joy) and was getting a big cyst/tumor on her shoulder (since removed, but unfortunately coming back), I started really looking into how we could go natural with the dog food and holistic remedies, too, rather than adding more chemicals and hormones into our routine.
Sometimes, I find it to be overwhelming to think about “being green",” I’ll be honest. But the more I look into it, the more I realize what we are ALREADY doing to live greener every day. This is no small feat considering the mess and amount of daily waste our family of 2 kids and 2 big dogs can generate. Trust me when I tell you, it can be a lot. But it’s good to know that I’m doing a little something right even on those days where the messes just keep coming. And that keeps me inspired to keep working at it and greening up our life!
So, on the bright side, here’s what we have going for our green lifestyle already. A lot of little things can really add up!!
- we rarely fill up our trash can each week – but our recycling bin is always full for pickup every 2 weeks.
- we installed a “doggie dooley” in the backyard when we first got the 2 dogs to compost the yard waste. we’re looking to get this up and running again now that I’ve done some more research on how to keep it going. (poor system just couldn’t keep up with our poopers, and we might actually need a second doggie septic system. um, TMI?)
- we use reusable cups and water bottles for us and the boys
- we make our own coffee each morning and use reusable travel mugs
- we plant and eat our own vegetables each summer – the garden expands each year with more plants!
- and we use our old coffee grounds to enrich the garden soil rather than chemical fertilizers.
- online bill pay – paperless!
- all-natural cleaning supplies
- I buy several Method products for the kitchen and bath and like them a lot
- I use a lot of vinegar and water to clean and de-grease
- Tea tree oil and water solution to fight mildew in the bathrooms
- ROCKIN’ GREEN – the super awesome laundry detergent that you know I love and that will truly take the stain out of anything AND that you can feel safe using around kids and dogs that are always on the floor. (seriously, if you haven’t already, go check them out. I get their “52 weeks of clean” newsletter and have picked up some great tips!)
- we eat very clean – lots of fresh veggies and fruits, limited (lately no) meat, very limited processed and packaged food. I buy organic whenever possible and am introducing lots of new flavors to our boys, including homemade things like hummus (which Bear adores).
- we keep our thermostat lower in the winter, higher in the summer
- I use reusable grocery bags at the store and reusable food storage containers at home
- I use washable rags to clean up messes rather than paper towels
- cloth diapers and wipes for Bear
- tea tree oil to deodorize the diaper pail
- we got sleeping bags from Goodwill for the dogs’ crates instead of big, expensive beds
- we buy an all-natural dog food from a local business
- walk or run the dogs up to the vet whenever I can for their appointments – love that they are located so close!
- both pups are “fixed” – I didn’t think of this as being green, but I guess it is!
- goes along with the doggie composter above, but we always pick up the poop, in our yard, and elsewhere.
What are some of your favorite tips for living greener?
I hope you have a low-mess day
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Oh hello there...
The boys are doing great...little Bear just had his 15 month checkup (at 16 months) and is doing GREAT. Our boys are growing right on track, but I swear the percentages get less and less each time we go. They are not teeny tiny, nor are they giants, but 18th-22nd percentiles? Really?? Our doctor's not concerned, so I'm fine with it. But I wonder about these boys that are in the 90th percentiles. They must be HUGE.
Yesterday was a real Monday (we should just leave it at that, trust me), so I opted for a margarita over a run. :) So, back on the road for me today. I squeezed in my run (jog??) at lunch today and was really loving the nice weather we're having today. I had to stop and take off my jacket and was more than comfortable in my capris and tank. It's January! A running tank top?! I'll take it. I was S-L-O-W today overall, but it was funny that it was a real ebb and flow all 4 miles today. I'd be strong for a half mile or mile, and then it would seem really hard to maintain my pace for a bit, then I'd break through again and feel strong. By the end, I was dragging though. I seriously think I was doing a major shuffle down our street looking like one of those people it hurts to watch jog because it looks so painful for them. Yep, that was definitely me on the last 100 yards before I cooled down! But, it wasn't just me; the dogs were dragging by mile 3 as well. We're not accustomed to this heat ;) Whoa 60 degrees! (I think it was probably closer to 70 in the sun, though)
In other news, we have decided to take a leap and radically alter our diets - we've gone vegetarian. Well, I guess pescetarian since we are eating fish still. Mostly all veg during the week, and last week we just had fish one night. We decided to give it a try mostly for health reasons. I was all for it since I've never been huge on eating meat anyway, but it's a learning experience to find new things to make for the family! One can only eat so many salads and bowls of vegetable soup. Thank goodness for fantastic sites like Peas and Thank You and Daily Garnish that are inspiring me every single day!! Thank you for your delicious recipes and advice for making sure I feed my family right while we make this switch. I am learning so much from you both! :)
More soon - hopefully we'll have some fun home improvement things to show you over the next couple of months, too. I'll be sure to come back more often with updates on feeding my family vegetarian (and some of our favorite recipes!), running (will get some races on the calendar soon...!!), and the fun we have with our boys. Next post will have pictures, too, promise :)