
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Manic review

5/23: 2 miles / 20 minutes
Yesterday's run almost didn't happen...and didn't last too long when I finally got out the door at 5:30pm.  Took the dogs and double BOB and it was pretty hot, but windy.  The wind was keeping things at least a little cooler, but running into the gusts was tough with the jogging stroller.  I found myself wondering if it counts as jogging when I feel like I'm standing still!  I read somewhere that it's like a built-in hill workout to run with the double jogger...makes sense!  And of course you burn more calories running with it, too - something like 20% maybe?  I read that, too, but it's been a while and I can't quite remember....!

I set out for 3 miles yesterday, but just over a mile in, my happy baby had a meltdown.  W poked Bee in the eye (yes, really) and Bee just couldn't get calmed down.  I stopped several times to try and console him, but he was just so distraught that we turned around early and headed back home.  He calmed down once we got in the garage and was smiling again by the time he was in his high chair having cheerios.  W totally ratted himself out, though - I didn't see the eye poke, but he told me he did it. So at least I usually know what happens...and I try not to leave them alone unsupervised too long :)

I think today is a rest legs are tired after 3 difficult (2 with jogger and dogs, 1 race) and hot runs, and it's supposed to be the hottest day of the week here - 93 - and oh yeah, I have 2 conference calls today and work to do ;)  So, I'll get out there again tomorrow hopefully a little more refreshed!

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