
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

It's Ice Cream Time

Sorry for being all MIA, y'all.   Been busy here trying to get in my runs and work and tend to my wonderful family of boys :)  
(yes, I have in fact done all of those things...well, except sew, I haven't had to sew this week...yet)

Fear not, dear friends, I am back with a healthy dose of kid pics :) I figure you can only see SO many pics of me pre- or post-run around the neighborhood.  When I run somewhere cool I will post more running pictures, 'kay?

Funniest thing this morning - W came in while I was putting Bear down for a nap and told me it was "ice cream time."  Sure enough, I peeked out of Bear's room and there he was, scooping up cups of ice cream for both of us.  I wished I could take a picture right then, but I settled for taking a picture after I got Bear down to show how proud W was of himself.  He got out the cups (one for each of us), his little toddler spoon, scooped ice cream into both cups, and then went and got me a big spoon.  Of course, he ate both cups of it while I was busy taking his picture over and over :)  But seriously, what a sweetie my little guy is!!

My half marathon training is picking up now for reals.  I ran 16.5 miles last week, with a long run of 6.5 miles on Saturday.  It was hot, but I figure Labor Day weekend in Va Beach is likely to be hot, too, so training in some heat will be for the best.  I took the dogs and we were all grateful for some strategic walk breaks when we hit some nice shady spots.  Mr. Garmin's GPS was acting all cray-cray, so I just ended up using him for total time.
hey, can you fix my garmin??

This week, I rested Monday, did an easy 3 today, and then am going to try and get in several more shorter runs early in the day with an 8-miler this weekend.  Keep me accountable, puh-leeze?  Seriously hard to be motivated to get out and run when it's so hot and humid with all these heat advisories, boo!  
Monster Trucks

My poor Bear is teething really badly and is running a fever and is such a sad little dude :(  I hope he's better soon.  Right now he just wants to be held and comforted.  Of course I'm happy to snuggle with him as much as I can!

For now it's back to work ...

...and it really IS ice cream time for me - hubby got me a Frosty! Yay!

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