
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How do you start your engines?


Ok, I admit it.  I am feeling REALLY lazy and am having a hard time getting back into my running groove.  After having a cold/allergies/whatever where I just couldn't breathe through my nose at ALL for several days, allergy throat, teething babe that is boycotting nighttime sleep...I'm just pooped before I even get started most days lately!  

On the way to the bear's (my alternate nickname for bee) 9 month doctor's appointment today, I found some inspiration in seeing other runners out getting in their miles, but I was still so exhausted I didn't know how I would get out there myself.  I mean, seriously, it hits me when I sit down, my body is just weak (you know like when you first wake up and you can't make a fist with your hands?  It's like that.  All. Day. Long.)  

So I decided that I would come back home, have a CLICK, and try to get motivated.  I am having the vanilla flavor today and I think I like this concoction I made even more than the mocha (gasp! what am I saying??  Vanilla over Chocolate?  Who am I?!).  I made it with half water, half milk this time with a touch of half and half since I'm all about having cream in my coffee.  Delicious - this would be fantastic blended with ice, too, like a frappucino.  I really have to order some more of this mix!  It's doing the trick to get me energized, thank GOODness.  I put on my SkinnyRunner shirt so that once the iPod and I are charged up I can hit the road for 3 miles, heat or not.  They said on the news that the humidity is down today and tomorrow, but I don't know, it still feels kinda sticky out there.  At least it's not blazing like it was yesterday - the kind of day it's a little hard to breathe the air, it's so hot and humid!

So, how do you get back into your exercise groove after a break?  How do you gear up when you're lacking all motivation? :)

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